the below projects were made in one day each, as part of "hack-a-day"
Celestial Music 30 experience scales, watch orbits
Speed Reading 29 read uncomfortably fast
90s Sitcom 28 fake sitcom intro 24 text database of physical stuff
Timelapse 23 timelapse of house move
Circuit Boards 22 make circuitboards at home
Lockpicking 20 pick a lock
Hillsfar Spritesheet 20 sprites from a minigame
AI Grab Bag 18 install instructions for a.i. tools
Tower of Choices 17 pen and paper RPG
Bytebeat Synth 14 bytebeat fun
Blueprint Maker 13 draw house blueprints
Screensaver 12 silly screensaver
Raytracer: Rain 11 screensaver video
Typewriter 10 clicky clacky
Receipt 08 silly little zine
Alchemy 07 combine elements
GPU Raytracing 06 speed up graphics with CUDA
Lashed Furniture 04 bamboo table
Raytracing 02 pretty 3d graphics drawing
Perquackey 01 word game from 1953
Doodle RPG 30 draw the world with friends
Hack-An-Adventure 29 draw cute adventures
Hack-A-Farm 27 plant crops
Hack-A-Snake 27 snake
Hack-A-Minigame 26 save scumming snake
Hack-An-Experiment 25 experimental algorithm analysis
Hack-A-Clock 24 decimal time clock
Hack-A-Link 2 23 link directory
Hack-A-Hell 22 bullet hell music visualizer
Hack-A-Battle 21 two music visualizers battle
Hack-A-Hang 19 hang with friends
Hack-A-Crop 18 crop images
Hack-A-Tank 17 relax and play with fish
Hack-A-Song 16 listen to 'greensleeves'
Hack-A-Sound 15 play sounds and make tracks
Hack-A-Stats 14 see how hack-a-day is doing
Hack-A-Line 13 play 5-in-a-row with a friend
Day 12 12
Hack-A-Tile 11 arrange matching tiles
Hack-A-Machine 10 goofy machine with assembly
Hack-A-Mandelbrot 09 explore fractals
Hack-A-Dictionary 08 look up words
Hack-An-Asteroid 07 asteroids clone
Hack-An-Icecube 06 icecubes fall
Hack-A-Homepage 05 make your own homepage
Hack-A-Link 05 a link shortener
Hack-A-Paste 05 a pastebin
Hack-A-Chat 04 an online chatroom
Hack-A-Blog 03 a blog for anyone