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Aldebaranians, The

Extinct xeno culture that inhabited the northern hemisphere of Mizar 5 approximately 35.000-25.000 cycles ago, before the planets ice age. The Aldebaranians were a pre-historic civilisation, able to use and manufacture a variety of stone tools, simple pottery as well as bone- and leatherwork, but had no form of alphabet or written language. However, the incredibly precise calculations needed to create complex stone structures like the Webway of Faces point towards this otherwise primitive culture having unusually developed knowledge in mathematics, astronomy, and abstract thinking. It is fair to assume that while no written text has ever been found that they most likely possessed a developed way of verbal communication to properly coordinate between each other.

The Aldebaranians are the oldest tool-using civilisation found on Mizar 5 so far, and their heritage ca still be seen in the remains of the Golgari civilisation that came long after. Nonetheless, the idea that this ancient pre-metalworking culture possessed Psychic Attunement, as some of the more unhinged scholars and demiurges proclaim is clearly a preposterous assumption and can be thrown into the wastebin of desperate headlines and cheap comicbook writing.