za3k > archive > lexicon1 > Great Chill, the

The Great Chill, or the Very Large Weather Shift was a massive climate shift in Mizar-5 shortly before the collapse of the Golgori. The entire planet became much colder, making the northern half unlivably cold, the equator below freezing, and the southern third of the planet barely habitable.

Because the Golgari Soverign Empire had never settled the previously unhabitably southern third, they turned to artifical heating methods instead, depleting the local ecosphere. Ultimately the empire collapse d due to Sulfur Bankruptcy.

Pre-chill climate can be seen several places on Mizar-5, most famously in the lush Denmortia Rainlands. Lost or desperate travellers sometimes seek refuge in an Atemporal Anomaly. Famously the Orison Exploratory Mission ended at the border of the Denmortia Rainlands, half of the party stuck in the border, half frozen to death only feet away. More forgotten, the Reknak Party deperately attempted to enter the Halfway Point Anamoly despite knowing better. The Halfway Point safety scandal increased Quantum Compression Apparatus (QCA) adoption, but also popularized Stasis Tourism.

excerpt from "Is Your QCA Charged?: How Halfway Got Us All the Way" by Sid "Rogers" ve Kenton (see ve Kenton Family), Mizar-5 history museum