za3k > OGS Go game collection
All (27 million) Go games, downloaded from (aka OGS) and redistributed with permission. They may be useful for archiving, artificial intelligence training, or Go research.
Internet Archive mirror in case downloads are slow
README has everything you need to know
SGF files, one per game. SGF is a format viewable by most Go computer programs.
- Almost all OGS games organized chronologically, aka by date played (6.2GB download, 44 GB uncompressed)
- Almost all OGS games organized by username (11 GB download, 88GB uncompressed)
- OGS tournament/uploaded games (0.13 GB download, 0.6 GB uncompressed). Some games were uploaded as SGFs to OGS, so I just provide them here unchanged. It looks like most such games are professional matches or amateur tournaments. They are organized by date played, beginning in the 1600s.
JSON file, single file for the whole collection
- JSON file of Go games (19 GB download, 82GB uncompressed)
- A sample JSON file with 1,000 (0.0008 GB download, 0.003 GB uncompressed) or 100,000 (0.08 GB download, 0.3 GB uncompressed) randomly chosen games.
Crawling and SGF extraction source code
Last updated 2021.