za3k > archive > lexicon1 > Golgori Standard Cube

The Golgori Standard Cube was the standardized currency unit used in trade across the Golgari Sovereign Empire. The value of the currency fluctuated moderately depending on local economic conditions, but at the height of the empire, one Cube had an approximate worth of $10.42, accounting for inflation. A Cube, composed of approximately 4.72g of compressed Phylidium, found rapid adoption as a measure of currency largely owing to the inconvenience of needing a scale to verify the amount of powdered Phylidium in more remote locations across the Empire - Traders found counting out a handful of cubes for smaller transactions easier, and somewhat larger trades could still be conducted quickly with the same scales used for powdered Phylidium.

Though more convenient, the mass of individual cubes in exceedingly large deals quickly became a burden. Many found it easier to issue bonds with a claim for hundreds, thousands, or even millions of cubes, eventually leading to the development of a centralized bank that could send and receive updated totals within hours or even minutes of deposit or withdrawal. This would be the precursor to the Universal Credit System that would gain widespread adoption across the galaxy to its use in present day.
