za3k > archive > lexicon1 > Phylidium


Phylidium is a composite ceramo-metal created by combining 6 parts of ceramic with 1 part of platinum at at least 2.000 degrees celsius. The use of chlorophyll-based cooling liquids to temper the composite material gives it its signature and unique metallic green shine.

Phylidium is highly resistant against corrosion of all kind, with Widow's Polish being the only known acid known to scholars able to dissolve it completely. It provides mediocre protection against being irradiated and repairs damages to its form slowly as long as it is exposed to sunlight, making it a very durable material against exposure and to store toxic, corrosive or otherwise harmful substances safely. However, its relative brittleness due to the high amount of ceramics makes it sub-standard for military applications or otherwise protect against direct force application. The Golgori Sovereign Empire based their currency, the Golgori Standard Cube on Phylidium due to its longlivity, as well as using it as additional layers of protection in reactors and chemical laboratories to prevent further catastrophic accidents (see Deljin Reactor Meltdown, The)