za3k > aldenmarsh > character creation
Character Creation
- Once you start rolling dice (attributes, HP, or starting GP), no takebacks. If you don't like your rolls, tough.
- Generally, if you want to make some changes to fit your character idea, ask! I'm pretty open to it, and while I might not always say yes, I'll at least offer an alternative. Anything aesthetic-only will almost certainly be approved (ex. changing spell descriptions without changing game effects, or changing what starting equipment looks like).
- Add yourself on roll20. Ask the DM for a character sheet (and character sheet for a familiar if needed)
- Level. Match the level the party is at. Check the discord for what that is.
- Attributes. You may choose any of the following methods:
- Roll 4d6 six times, each time discarding the lowest die. Re-order however you want.
- Take the standard array: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8
- Use standard point buy (27 points)
- Allowed classes and races:
- The Player's Handbook. You may use "variant human" if you want.
- Volo's Guide to Monsters
- Xanathar's Guide to Everything
- Tasha's Cauldon of Everything. You can use custom lineage but I write "munchkin" in sharpie on your forehead.
- NO: Unearthed Arcana, Matt Mercer classes, Aarakocra, Artificer, Elegance Bard
- Anything else, ask!
- If you want to tweak your background or make a custom background, the answer is yes for anything in the standard "custom background" options, ask me if you want to do anything else
- Languages. Exotic languages like Celestial are allowed.
- (Aldenmarsh group) All PCs get Aldish (the language of Aldenmarsh) for free, in addition to Common.
- Skill proficiencies.
- (Aldenmarsh group) "Intelligence (Noble Education)" is a homebrew skill available to characters who are nobility and may have been educated in Aldenmarsh or around the Magic Sea. It's basically like a classical education--good for fiting in with nobility or sounding educated, but not directly useful for anything. To take it, replace any one skill proficiency you have.
- Starting equipment. At level 5+, ask the DM. Otherwise, choose any of the following methods:
- Take the suggested gear for your class and background
- Roll for gold as given in the player's handbook.
- Take the average roll for your class as given in the player's handbook.
- Write a character bio. Include
- Why your character is adventuring at all, and why they're adventuring with the party in particular. What is their goal for the next week? The next three months?
- What do they look like physically?
- What is their personality like?
- What's their backstory?
- What people or organizations might they have ties with? Are the ties good (allies), bad (enemies), or neutral?
- (Aldenmarsh group) Citizenship status. Keep in mind that "exotic" races (ones not in the PHB) are probably foreign, and will probably attract attention. You can choose to be:
- An Aldish citizen born in Aldenmarsh
- Have gotten citizenship later (rare)
- Be here on a special visa that allows travel (rare, explain why)
- Be here on a normal visa. This requires you to sleep in the foreign quarter of Canyonport, effectively prohibiting leaving the city legally
- Be here illegally, but travelling freely anyway.
- (Aldenmarsh group) Your god, and whether you attend the Church of Baneth. Aldenmarsh is a theocracy with mandatory church attendance for citizens. Going to church doesn't mean you worship Baneth or even like him.
- If you are an Aldish citizen, you almost certainly go to the Church of Baneth. You might like Baneth, worship another god, or be agnostic.
- Many-to-most Aldish citizens worship Baneth
- The allowed gods are listed here.
- Agnostic (no god) is fine as a deliberate choice, but don't pick it as a default because you didn't look through options.
- Clerics, paladins etc can't be agnostic. If you're a cleric or paladin, talk to the DM for a little extra help with your background and how you'll be treated.
- After your first play session, I also recommend making a backup character in case your PC dies. This doesn't have to be in roll20, but I'm happy to give you a sheet if you want one.