za3k > archive > lexicon1 > Industrial Ascendency
Aldebaranian (see, Aldebaranians, The) technology never reached D-level, stopping at B-level or C-level (analysis differs).
Industrial Ascendency: The period of D-level technology in the Golgari civilization. Industrial-level technology enabled economic growth, increasing the standard of living, and especially providing heat and sulfuric acid to all farmholds.
Industrial Ascendency occured after economic unification (see Golgori Standard Cube); after cultural unification (see, Nemarii Obelisk); after religious unification (see Rotorastriansim); but before political unification (see, Golgari Sovereign Empire) and before social unification (see, New Golgori Rebellion).
Golgari adoption of E-level technology (note to human readers: electronics) was unusally slow. E-level techology was developed early in the Orianian Wasteland, but was not widely adopted. Due to Regina Apiana, devices had to be carefully designed and popular adoption often resulted in collapse and re-design. The Revisionist Period also meant improvements and basic technology was independently invented and re-invented time and time again.
Astonishly, the Golgari developed spaceship technology with only D-level technology. This historian believes they were on the brink of skipping directly to F-level or G-level technology, at least regionally, without electricity.
Web-weaver technology reached D-level early, due to
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Galactic Hegemony of Associated Commerce and Trade, Galactic Civilization Catalogue, 180th to 192nd edition. Article was removed starting with the 193rd edition ("non-notable and out-of-date").