za3k > archive > lexicon1 > Citations List


Aldebaranians, The
cites: Psychic Attunement, Webway of Faces
cited by: Bentways, Blinking Cow Rumor, B-Time, Derivative Starchart, Eloping Dog, Industrial Ascendency

An Ionzhi Gazeetter
cites: Elector-Prince Rzeszutko, Principality of Ionzh
cited by: Causeways of the Caravaneers, Curators Bane, Freethinkers' Synod

Archipelago of the Damned
cites: Gondar-2, Rho-HY472, Varix Jhothar, Yozt Belt Skirmish
cited by: Bentways, Candaxx Loop, Derivative Starchart, Descent of the New Moon, Fengu-Golgori Convention of 2452, Gondar-2

Artifact Access Control
cites: Fengu-Golgori Convention of 2452, Sanity Certification
cited by: Endless Fabric, Fengu-Golgori Convention of 2452, Forbidden Room

Atemporal Anomaly
cites: Denmortia Rainlands, Quantum Compression Apparatus (QCA)
cited by: Balefyre Engine, Bentways, Boltrus Incident, B-Time, Caduceus Expedition, Derivative Starchart, Eloping Dog, Extratemporal Anomalies, Great Chill, Hess Drive


Balefyre Engine
cites: Atemporal Anomaly; Great Chill, Heimhallif
cited by: Cataphract, Deljin Reactor Meltdown

Bentways, The
cites: Aldebaranians, Archipelago of the Damned, Atemporal Anomaly; Floramateria, Mizar-5, Orianian Wasteland
cited by: Elector-Prince Rzeszutko

Blinking Cow Rumor
cites: Aldebaranians; Elector-Prince Rzeszutko, Extratemporal Anomalies, History Paradox, Principality of Ionzh, Second Destruction of the Golgori Library
cited by: Extratemporal Anomalies

Boltrus Incident, The
cites: Atemporal Anomaly; Long-Necked Gh'dol, Mizar-5, Rotorastianism, Zan-Taranth

cites: Aldebaranians, Atemporal Anomaly; Denmortia Rainlands, Haw-EN2525, Mizar-5, Regina Apiana
cited by: Caduceus Expedition, Curators Bane, Delay-Deny-Accept


Caduceus Expedition, The
cites: Atemporal Anomaly, B-Time; Elector-Prince Rzeszutko, Incandescent Temporeactor, Mizar-5, Quantum Compression Apparatus (QCA), Regina Apiana, Uriath Xers, XPh.

Candaxx Loop
cites: Archipelago of the Damned; Gondar-2, Mizar-4, Turban of God
cited by: Eldest Son, Gondar-2

cites: Balefyre Engine; Denmortia Rainlands, Golgori Sovereign Empire, Mizar-5, Psychic Attunement
cited by: Denmortia Rainlands, Derivative Starchart, Galactic Hegemony of Associated Commerce and Trade

Causeways of the Caravaneers
cites: An Ionzhi Gazeetter; Elector-Prince Rzeszutko, Freethinkers' Synod, K'ghani Trail, Lithis Falls Pass, Traitor's Ridge
cited by: Freethinkers' Synod

Curators Bane
cites: An Ionzhi Gazetter, B-Time; Ionzhi Calendar, Smotherer of Light


cites: B-Time; Public Relations, Stasis Tourism

Deljin Reactor Meltdown, The
cites: Balefyre Engine; Kester City, Orianian Wasteland
cited by: Hess Drive

Denmortia Rainlands
cites: Cataphract; Golgori Sovereign Empire, Mizar-5, New Golgori Rebellion
cited by: Atemporal Anomaly, Balefyre Engine, B-Time, Cataphract, Derivative Starchart; Extratemporal Anomalies, Great Chill

Derivative Starchart
cites: Aldebaranians, Archipelago of the Damned, Atemporal Anomaly, Cataphract, Denmortia Rainlands; Golgori Sovereign Empire, Kilt'iir, Mizar-4, Mizar-5, Nemarii Obelisk, Orianian Wasteland
cited by: Haw-EN2525

Descent of the New Moon, The
cites: Archipelago of the Damned; Extratemporal Anomalies, Golgori Sovereign Empire, Institute for Psykologikal Masterie, Mizar-5, New Golgori Rebellion, Oedeon, Varix Jhothar, Zan-Taranth


Elector-Prince Rzeszutko
cites: Bentways; Incandescent Temporeactor, Principality of Ionzh, Revisionist Period, Rotorastianism, Traitor's Ridge, Wax-Witch, Zan-Taranth
cited by: An Ionzhi Gazeetter, Blinking Cow Rumor, Caduceus Expedition, Causeways of the Caravaneers, Eldest Son, Eloping Dog; Freethinkers' Synod

Eldest Son
cites: Candaxx Loop, Elector-Prince Rzeszutko; Galactic Hegemony of Associated Commerce and Trade, Wax-Witch

Eloping Dog
cites: Aldebaranians, Atemporal Anomaly, Elector-Prince Rzeszutko; Floramateria, Mizar-5

Endless Fabric
cites: Artifact Access Control; Industrial Ascendency, Varphorium

Extratemporal Anomalies
cites: Atemporal Anomaly, Blinking Cow Rumor, Denmortia Rainlands; Lillux Colossus, Universe-Universe Binary Interactions
cited by: Blinking Cow Rumor, Descent of the New Moon; Full Access


Fengu-Golgori Convention of 2452
cites: Archipelago of the Damned, Artifact Access Control; Law of Finders Keepers
cited by: Artifact Access Control

cites: Long-Necked Gh'dol, Mizar-4, Mizar-5, Rho-HY472, Rotorastianism, Theory of Forgotten Sin, Unit Star, Zan-Taranth
cited by: Bentways, Eloping Dog

Forbidden Room, The
cites: Artifact Access Control; Psychic Attunement, Sanity Certification

Freethinkers' Synod, The
cites: An Ionzhi Gazeetter, Causeways of the Caravaneers, Elector-Prince Rzeszutko; Incandescent Temporeactor, Ionzhi Calendar, Principality of Ionzh, True Ionzhi Republic
cited by: Causeways of the Caravaneers

Full Access
cites: Extratemporal Anomaly; Galactic Hegemony of Associated Commerce and Trade, Lithis Falls Pass, U-U Card


Galactic Hegemony of Associated Commerce and Trade
cites: Cataphract, Golgori Sovereign Empire; Mizar-5, Vultraum Sector
cited by: Eldest Son, Full Access; Industrial Ascendency

Golgori Sovereign Empire
cited by: Cataphract, Denmortia Rainlands, Derivative Starchart, Descent of the New Moon, Galactic Hegemony of Associated Commerce and Trade, Golgori Standard Cube, Great Chill; Haw-EN2525, Industrial Ascendency

Golgori Standard Cube
cites: Golgori Sovereign Empire; Phylidium, Universal Credit System
cited by: Industrial Ascendency

cites: Archipelago of the Damned, Candaxx Loop; Regina Apiana, Rho-HY472, Varix Jhothar, Varphorium
cited by: Archipelago of the Damned, Candaxx Loop

Great Chill, the
cites: Atemporal Anomaly, Denmortia Rainlands, Golgori Sovereign Empire; Mizar-5, Quantum Compression Apparatus (QCA), Stasis Tourism, Sulfur Bankruptcy, ve Kenton Family
cited by: Balefyre Engine


cites: Derivative Starchart, Golgori Sovereign Empire; Manuscript Collection #47b, Mizar-5, Traitor's Ridge
cited by: B-Time

cited by: Balefyre Engine

Hess Drive
cites: Atemporal Anomaly, Deljin Reactor Meltdown; Incandescent Temporeactor, Kester City, Kilt'iir, Psychic Attunement, Sanity Certification, Second Destruction of the Golgori Library. Universe-Universe Binary Interaction, Vvvelll Auto-genocide, ZZ-level

History Paradox
cited by: Blinking Cow Rumor


Incandescent Temporeactor
cited by: Caduceus Expedition, Elector-Prince Rzeszutko, Freethinkers' Synod, Hess Drive

Industrial Ascendency
cites: Aldebaranians, Galactic Hegemony of Associated Commerce and Trade, Golgori Sovereign Empire, Golgori Standard Cube; Nemarii Obelisk, New Golgori Rebellion, Orianian Wasteland, Regina Apiana, Revisionist Period, Rotorastrianism, Web-Weaver
cited by: Endless Fabric

Institute for Psykologikal Masterie
cited by: Descent of the New Moon

Ionzhi Calendar
cited by: Curators Bane, Freethinkers' Synod


Kester City
cited by: Deljin Reactor Meltdown, Hess Drive

K'ghani Trail
cited by: Causeways of the Caravaneers

cited by: Derivative Starchart, Hess Drive


Law of Finders Keepers
cited by: Fengu-Golgori Convention of 2452

Lillux Colossus
cited by: Extratemporal Anomalies

Lithis Falls Pass
cited by: Causeways of the Caravaneers, Full Access

Long-Necked Gh'dol
cited by: Boltrus Incident, Floramateria

Loping Doge, The
cited by: Eloping Dog


Manuscript Collection #47b
cited by: Haw-EN2525

cited by: Candaxx Loop, Floramateria, Derivative Starchart

cited by: Cataphract, Denmortia Rainlands, Derivative Starchart, Descent of the New Moon, Eloping Dog, Floramateria, Galactic Hegemony of Associated Commerce and Trade, Great Chill, Haw-EN2525


Nemarii Obelisk
cited by: Derivative Starchart, Industrial Ascendency

New Golgori Rebellion
cited by: Denmortia Rainlands, Descent of the New Moon, Industrial Ascendency


cited by: Descent of the New Moon

Orianian Wasteland, The
cited by: Bentways, Deljin Reactor Meltdown, Derivative Starchart, Industrial Ascendency


cited by: Golgori Standard Cube

Principality of Ionzh
cited by: An Ionzhi Gazeetter, Blinking Cow Rumor, Elector-Prince Rzeszutko, Freethinkers' Synod

Psychic Attunement
cited by: Aldebaranians, Cataphract, Forbidden Room, Hess Drive

Public Relations
cited by: Delay-Deny-Accept


Quantum Compression Apparatus (QCA)
cited by: Atemporal Anomaly, Caduceus Expedition, Great Chill

Regina Apiana
cited by: B-Time, Caduceus Expedition, Gondar-2, Industrial Ascendency

Revisionist Period
cited by: Elector-Prince Rzeszutko, Industrial Ascendency

cited by: Archipelago of the Damned, Floramateria, Gondar-2

cited by: Boltrus Incident, Descent of the New Moon, Elector-Prince Rzeszutko, Floramateria, Industrial Ascendency


Sanity Certification
cited by: Artifact Access Control, Forbidden Room, Hess Drive

Second Destruction of the Golgori Library
cited by: Blinking Cow Rumor, Hess Drive

Smotherer of Light, the
cited by: Curators Bane

Stasis Tourism
cited by: Delay-Deny-Accept, Great Chill

Sulfur Bankruptcy
cited by: Great Chill


Theory of Forgotten Sin
cited by: Floramateria

Traitor's Ridge
cited by: Causeways of the Caravaneers, Elector-Prince Rzeszutko, Haw-EN2525

True Ionzhi Republic
cited by: Freethinkers' Synod

Turban of God
cited by: Candaxx Loop


Unit Star
cited by: Floramateria

Universal Credit System
cited by: Golgori Standard Cube

Universe-Universe Binary Interaction
cited by: Extratemporal Anomalies, Hess Drive

Uriath Xers, XPh.
cited by: Caduceus Expedition

U-U Card
cited by: Full Access


Varix Jhothar
cited by: Archipelago of the Damned, Descent of the New Moon

cited by: Endless Fabric, Gondar-2

ve Kenton Family
cited by: Great Chill

Vultraum Sector
cited by: Galactic Hegemony of Associated Commerce and Trade

Vvvelll Auto-genocide
cited by: Hess Drive


cited by: Elector-Prince Rzeszutko, Eldest Son

Webway of Faces
cited by: Aldebaranians

cited by: Industrial Ascendency


Yozt Belt Skirmish
cited by: Archipelago of the Damned

cited by: Boltrus Incident, Descent of the New Moon, Elector-Prince Rzeszutko, Floramateria

cited by: Hess Drive